Android development company in uk
day January 27, 2022 comm 0 Comments

Build Your Own Online Gaming Cricket Application like MPL or Myteam11

Did you know that MPL has 85 million registered users from all over the world while Myteam11 has more than 10 million registered users? Yes, that is the extent to which fantasy cricket has grown in popularity. If you too wish to build an app like that, you will need help from the best Android development company in uk to beat these apps.


Build an App Like Myteam11 or MPL – By Android Development Company

If you truly want your app to work, providing your audience with an excellent UI/UX won’t be enough. Most apps can provide that today with the help of professionals. What you truly need in order to retain your app users is a good USP. Your app has to provide the audience with something no other app has.

This unique feature could be a different game rule or benefit, or a unique feature in your interface. In the case of fantasy sports, which is usually a data-driven app, how you present your data also makes a big difference. If your app is simpler to understand and use, it gains preference over others. To understand better, let’s take a look at the features you should take care of:

Rewards, Referrals and Bonuses

We all tend to play for the rewards we get on winning. Additionally, we all look for bonus points that we can get either through referrals or on signing up. So, having this feature in any game app is a must now. What you need to ensure is that your app provides better rewards than your competitors. It will be a major factor for pulling the audience towards your app.

Personalized Dashboard

Even Google has been personalizing search results for every individual user today. So do shopping apps and social media platforms customize user notifications and home page. You need to give your user control over the notifications he or she wants to receive. Also, whatever additional information you provide on the dashboard has to be according to the interests and past behavior of each individual user.

Live Streaming

Usually, it is the die-hard cricket fans who use a fantasy cricket app. Providing them with the best quality of live streaming of matches will always keep them glued to your app. In fact, keeping this feature will help you retain users who simply like cricket too.

Data Visualization

A fantasy cricket game app is meant to be data-driven. As we mentioned, the way you present this data also matters a lot. A user understands the same information in a much better way when you present it differently. So, your data and information have to be more readable than your established competitors.

A Minimalist Design and Interface

This may not be a leading factor but isn’t something you can ignore either. We all prefer devices and apps that are simple for us to use. So, keeping the interface easy to understand and engaging is important. Keep it clean and simple.


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