January 21 2022

Shopify Speed Optimization Service

By WNW SEO | 0 Comments

Imagine that you visit a website and it takes minutes to load. You’ll start losing patience, right? Also, your website would slip into a lower position in the ranks of Google. There are plenty of things you have to do in order to improve the speed of your website. Shopify is a popular platform among e-commerce website owners. If your Shopify store turns out slow, it means that you need to check the above factors and start working on it. It is the reason you need to avail the shopify speed optimization service

Professional Shopify Speed Optimization Service

If your website is built on Shopify, there are some specific things for you to look after. So, if you have been thinking lately about optimizing your Shopify store, here are a few tips from us to help you:
  • Use Compressed Images In Your Shopify Store

You definitely can't compromise on adding images to a website. Shopify sites allow you to upload images in the form of JPF, JPEG, PNG, and GIF and there is no limit on the number of images one can upload. However, you can compress the size without compromising on the quality with, JPEGmini, and other Shopify tools.
  • Lazy Load Images

It becomes irritating when you have to wait for images to load on a website. To eliminate this in your Shopify site, you can use the lazy load technique. This means that images outside the browser viewpoint will not be loaded. This ensures that the images which you can see will be loaded at that point of time.
  • A Fast Responsive Theme Should Be Chosen

Choose a lightweight theme that will boost your site performance. You should select a theme that will serve your brand’s idea and audience in the best possible way. Remember every extra element added will lessen your page speed. So, be wise and don't include unnecessary sliders or fancy animations. Before finalizing a theme, make sure to check it in the Google Page Speed Insights.
  • Avoid GIFs

Try to avoid GIFs in your Shopify site as they have large file sizes. You can replace them with static images which will increase the performance of your site. You can even choose to embed a video instead of uploading one – it works better than uploading GIFs.
  • Reduce The Number Of Installed Apps

Apps, when loaded on web pages, cause a negative impact by adding extra load. Also, avoid third-party scripts. When you add these scripts and apps, they take up more space. Also, the total number of requests increases which ultimately harms your site. Thus, try to get rid of apps you don't use and keep only them you think are crucial for your site.
  • Use AMP Pages On Your Website

Most users log in to your site through their mobile phone. It would not be a nice thing if your site performs poorly in loading. Thus, to boost up the performance, you can use AMP Pages which lets users access your website fast and in a smooth way.  
  • Run Your Website Through Google PageSpeed Insights

Last but not the least, use Google PageSpeed Insights which is Google’s speed testing tool. You simply need to run a test and it will give output on the disadvantages of your store as well as how to eliminate them. Also Read