October 12 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Website Plugins

By WNW SEO | Website Plugins, | 0 Comments

You no longer have to know coding to make a website. And for that, you need to thank content management systems like WordPress that provide you with two things – ready-made themes and templates for web design and website plugins for adding functionality. If you’re reading this, you’re probably willing to make a website which is why we’ll tell you whatever you need to know about a website plugin.

What is a Website Plugin?

To put it very simply, it is a piece of software that adds functionality to your website. By functionality, we don’t just mean going from one web page to another. It involves things like adding products to your cart on an ecommerce site or being able to download a file from a website. Additionally, plugins also help you with stuff like security, checking your SEO or taking backup of your data. These are some plugins that are only meant for admin use – they are very much active but their work isn’t directly reflected on the frontend of the website. However, they are equally important for you to have.

How Does it Work?

A website plugin is created by programming and then made available to users. WordPress and other similar content management systems are designed in a way that a developer can alter the code to suit their requirement. By adding a plugin, you make many alterations to a website. Here’s how it works:
  • Plugins are either available for free download or purchase.
  • Once you install a plugin on your website backend, you activate it.
  • Now, the plugin becomes a part of your website database and gets linked to all your web pages.
  • This means that once the plugin is active, you can use it on any web page to serve its purpose.
It’s that simple. To understand better, let’s check some examples.

Examples of Some Popular Website Plugins

We’ll check out 2 WordPress plugins that are very popular among its users. One’s function is directly visible on the website while the other is only for the admin operators to know. Let’s begin with WooCommerce – the most popular e-commerce plugin among WordPress users. It provides all the features that an ecommerce website needs such as inventory management, shopping cart, payment gateway integration and logistics management. And another plugin that a viewer may not directly benefit from but the website owner needs is Yoast SEO. It helps the admin understand if the readability and SEO score of the page needs improvement or is up to the mark.

Pros and Cons of Website Plugins

If you’re using CMS, you need plugins. They come with the following benefits:
  • Adds features and functionality
  • User-friendly for the admin operator
  • Some of them help in increasing security and improving SEO
  • Enhances user experience for website visitors
However, some of the limitations that every website plugin comes with include:
  • A single active plugin can reduce your site speed by 5 milliseconds.
  • Some of them conflict with your themes.
  • They may cause upgrade issues.

How Many Plugins Should Your Website Ideally Have?

It is important for your website to have plugins – but only those you actually need. If you aren’t using a website plugin or if it’s creating a problem, remove it. The best solution is to install a plugin that provides you with the maximum functionality your site requires.

October 08 2021

How To Generate Leads on Your Landing Page?

By WNW SEO | Business, | 0 Comments

Is your website not getting the traction you were hoping of? This could be due to lack of optimization of your landing page. It’s nothing to worry about if you find the right digital marketing service provider to help you out. Let’s see how this works.

What is a Landing page?

Landing page is the webpage that users land on when they click on a link towards your website. This is the first page that users see when they are on your website. This means you need to have your landing page well optimized in order to get leads. A digital marketing service provider can help you optimize your website in the best possible way. So, here are some tips that are going to help you generate leads from your landing page:

1.    Product Or Service Description

People visit your website as they want to know more about the products or services provided by you. This makes it of utmost importance that your landing page has an in-depth description of the product or service provided by you. You can have multiple landing pages but make sure each of them contains enough description about the products and services.

2.    Provide Free Stuff

Everyone wants to get free stuff now. This is one of the best ways to generate leads through your landing page. You can provide free content that is useful and can be downloaded by the user. Before giving the option to download, you can ask for some customer data like their phone number and email id. This helps you to advertise your products and services in future to them. Having free stuff available for a limited period time also helps in generating leads faster.

3.    Signup For Regular Updates

You can have an option to signup for newsletter on your landing page. This is a great way to keep the customer engaged about your company. You can regularly update them about offers, new products and services.Such newsletters are not treated as spam as the customer is himself providing the email id for regular updates.

4.    Display Your Contact Information

Many times, customers are looking to get in touch with you on a one-to-one basis. You should provide information such as company’s name, address, phone number and email id on the landing page. Providing contact information of your sales person can also help you speed up the conversion process. Contact information is also available on google. This means whenever a customer instead of visiting your website enters your phone number the search result will land them to your website.

5.    Landing Page Design

The landing page design needs to be clean and impactful. Choose colors that are more soothing to the eye and have a lasting impact. Make sure you have clearly differentiated the titles of your paragraphs. Use easy language which can be understood by all and make sure there is enough spacing among the texts which makes it easier to read.  
Also Read: Angular JS Architecture from A To Z

October 05 2021

Angular JS Architecture from A to Z

By WNW SEO | Web Development, | 0 Comments

Are you trying to choose a framework for developing web applications? Well, currently one of the best ones in the market is Angular JS. If you know HTML, TypeScript, and JavaScript, then using this framework will be very simple for you. In order to create an application, a developer requires a platform that provides flexibility and makes work easier for him. An ideal structure simplifies coding and gives you liberty to provide any feature you want to. Let’s see how Angular JS works for you.

What is Angular JS?

Angular JS is an open-source framework developed by Google for creating web applications. It is written in TypeScript and helps you create apps using HTML and JavaScript. The former is used for creating the UI of the app while the latter is for adding functionality. The main benefit of using a framework like Angular JS is that you don’t have to write the code from scratch. In fact, you need to provide very little coding from your end. Let’s understand how this really works for you.

The Architecture of Angular JS

The framework is built on an architecture called MVC – short for Model View Controller. Here’s how it works: Model is the component that stores all your data. This is the data that has been input by you or your users such as IDs or names. The View refers to the front-end or UI of the application that is visible to the users. It contains the HTML code with which you designed the app. Controller is the actual brain controlling the two. This is where you write all the code and update the data present in the model as well as the HTML code in the view. Basically, as the developer you need to work on the controller side. The framework is designed in a way that you have to provide very little code. Once you enter it, the framework will organize it into little buckets called modules.        This helps you distinguish the code between features and reusable chunks, making functionality simpler and more accurate. Additionally, it provides lazy loading, that makes the loading of the web app faster.

Various Elements and Features that Make Angular JS Easy to Use

The MVC model is an overview of how Angular JS works. However, it is the other features and elements that you have access to that make app development on this framework so convenient. These include: Templates: These are elements written in HTML which have some Angular elements and attributes. When combined with the data provided in the model and code provided in the controller, it helps to provide the required view on the browser for the user. Directives: These are HTML attributes with a prefix that help you provide the functionality to your application. You can find some built-in directives like the ng-app for initializing the application or ng-model that combines HTML with app data. You can build your own directives too. Two-Way Data Binding: Data binding is a feature that helps you combine the data in the model with the view. Any changes in the model will affect the changes in the view. At the same time, changes made in the view also affect the model. This is why it is called two-way data binding. Routing: This is a module that helps the browser navigate your app through a URL. Dependency Injection: This is a software design pattern that keeps your components lean and efficient.
This now gives you a somewhat detailed view on as to how Angular JS really works. It makes your work as a developer really easy and comes free of cost. Hence, if you want to go into the depths, just check out the framework. Also Read:  Android App Development Service